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How to eat an Oreo

How to Eat an Oreo


I fully admit that there is not a recipe to go along with this post.

And that many of you may already know this.

However I am behind the times and just learned this new method of eating Oreo’s.

Imagine sitting around my parents dining room table, playing games with the family.

You look up and see your younger brother (who is cute and single and can be provided with a razor in a moments time!) spear an Oreo with a fork, dip it into a glass of milk and then eat it.

Light bulb! Genius!

No messy fingers, and the ability to fully dunk your Oreo as many times as you want without the mess.

It was one of those moments when I felt really dumb for not realizing it myself.

I seem to have many of these such moments.

So the next time you go to eat an Oreo, skip the messy fingers and spear it with a fork!

Your life will never be the same.

Sharing is caring!

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Monday 23rd of June 2014

So I finally brought myself to read this... Don't know how I feel about my sis trying to pawn me off on a cooking website haha.


Thursday 26th of June 2014

No worries. I haven't had any takers yet. :) You're a cute guy, who is good with kids. Just keep coming back here to find good recipes and just maybe one day we'll find you a girl!


Friday 23rd of May 2014

That's pretty genius! Now I know the "right" way to eat one!


Saturday 31st of May 2014

I am telling you, I just stared at my brother and thought about how dumb I have been for never having thought of it myself! One of the best ideas EVER!


Thursday 22nd of May 2014

I love this and it was such a cute post!!!!


Saturday 31st of May 2014

What I love most about this is that you can share your milk glass with someone and never have to "double dip!"

Maggie @ The Love Nerds

Thursday 22nd of May 2014

I love learning about the quirky little ways people do things! I'm not a milk dunker, but I will have to show my husband who definitely is!


Saturday 31st of May 2014

I hope your husband likes this idea as much as I did/do!

Cathy @ Our Mini Family

Thursday 22nd of May 2014

This is GENIUS! I literally had never heard of eating an Oreo like this! Love it!


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