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Cadbury Mini Eggs Blondies

Cadbury Mini Egg Blondies

I know this may sound strange, but for the most part, we are not candy people.

Don’t get me wrong.

We like candy.

We just don’t eat a lot of it.

I for one, am more of a baked goods kind of person.

And my husband’s favorite is Sour Patch Kids, which I don’t really like.

So we rarely have candy in the house.



Except those lovely holidays that for some reason make it mandatory to have lots of candy around.

I think I may change that soon.

Anyway, last Easter we ended up with a whole bag a Cadbury Mini Eggs, and we knew we were not going to eat them.

So, I made these blondies and we all decided that this was a tradition that we could stick with.

They’re the perfect chewy, caramelly blondies and the milk chocolate in the eggs make them just . . . mmmm.

Definitely a simple way to make a fun treat for Easter or just for fun!




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